Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sun Belt XC championships, miles oct. 25-oct. 31

From left to Right. Dustin Mettler- 9th, me-5th, Jonathan Cherono-4th, Derek Allen-23rd, Felix Maritim- 17th, Coach Williams-Coach of the Year, Nate Carr-21st, Brian Giken- 15th, Barrett Kerth- 22nd

Im a bit late on posting this weeks miles. We had conference championships in bowling green. Kentucky. It was a tough course, pretty hilly. I felt good, ran hard over the last mile and passed 2 guys to finish 5th and 2nd on the team. As a team we won. it was legit. Oh and i was the first american to finish.

7 runs
62 miles

M: 9 miles
T: 10x 650m, 10 total
W: 9 miles
T: 7 miles
F: 6 miles
S: Sun belt race,5 mile, 25:18, 5th, 10 total
S: long run 12 miles

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