Sunday, October 10, 2010

Son of a knee. miles oct. 4th-10th

This was overall a good week, i decided to take monday off just to be sure my knee wasnt going to hurt. As for the knee it seems to be good, i feel it sometimes but i think thats just because i think about it too much. Next weekend is Chile pepper 10k. Its going to be a stacked race.

6 runs
60 miles, 2 swims

M: Swim 30 min, bum knee
T: 3x1900m (tempo pace), 3x1300m(5k race pace), 11 total
W: 9 miles
T: 20 min swim, 9 miles
F: 9 miles
S: 10 mile tempo (53:40), 13 total
S: 9 miles

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